
Crusader kings 2 nicknames
Crusader kings 2 nicknames

crusader kings 2 nicknames

My Father’s World Rome To Reformation Synergy Guide. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Crusader Kings II > General Discussions > Topic Details. remove_modifier Description: Removes a modifier from a character remove_modifier. play The first ID hates the second ID, -50: neg_opinion unlock extra character info: charinfo 1. Conquering History … Any commands you or events you want but are not part of this list, either look up the exact command preceded by ‘ck2 … A guide on how to get rid of all vassals (dominate guide) in Crusader Kings III. CK2 Cheats CK2 Event IDs Other CK2 IDs and Codes CK2 Title IDs CK2 Trait IDs CK2 Artifact IDs CK2 Culture IDs CK2 Decision IDs CK2 Nickname IDs CK2 Religion IDs CK2 Society IDs This website is not affiliated with Crusader Kings II or Paradox Development Studio. If you’re willing to cheat your way to the top you can absolutely do so. “In short, Crusader Kings II is a majestic feudal sandbox, the greatest generator of hilarious medieval soap opera ever created and Paradox Interactive’s best title to date.” 90/100 – IncGamers “It's perfectly possible to have made a few too many enemies, anger the Pope and find most of Europe out for your blood. Basically, you want to get rid of all vassals as soon as you can with your first king to grab all the lands. Console Command: clr_moved_capital Description: Clears the moved capital-flag of a character.

crusader kings 2 nicknames

Crusader Kings II (aka CK2) is a Grand Strategy game set in the Middle Ages, developed by Paradox Development Studio (PDS) and released in 2012 on PC (Feb.14) and OS X (May 24).A Linux version was also released on Jan.14, 2013.

crusader kings 2 nicknames

What does the CK2 command nickname do? Crusader Kings 2 ( CK2 ) Console Commands: Complete Cheat Codes You Need by Are you looking for Crusader Kings II, CK2 … Must specify the nickname and character id in the syntax. Posted 1:07 am by & filed under Uncategorized.

Crusader kings 2 nicknames